# IProvider Interface

import { IProvider } from "@tsed/di"

# Overview

interface IProvider<T = any> {
     * An injection token. (Typically an instance of `Type` or `InjectionToken`, but can be `any`).
    provide: TokenProvider;
     * Provider type
    type?: ProviderType | string;
     * Instance build by the injector
    instance?: T;
     * Define dependencies to build the provider
    deps?: TokenProvider[];
     * Class to instantiate for the `token`.
    useClass?: Type<T>;
     * Provide a function to build the provider
    useFactory?: Function;
     * Provide an async function to build the provider
    useAsyncFactory?: Function;
     * Provide predefined value
    useValue?: any;
     * Scope used by the injector to build the provider.
    scope?: ProviderScope;
     * A list of resolvers which will be used to resolve missing Symbol/Class when injector invoke a Class. This property allow external DI usage.
    resolvers?: IDIResolver[];
    [key: string]: any;

# Members

provide: TokenProvider;

An injection token. (Typically an instance of Type or InjectionToken, but can be any).

type?: ProviderType | string;

Provider type

instance?: T;

Instance build by the injector

deps?: TokenProvider[];

Define dependencies to build the provider

useClass?: Type<T>;

Class to instantiate for the token.

useFactory?: Function;

Provide a function to build the provider

useAsyncFactory?: Function;

Provide an async function to build the provider

useValue?: any;

Provide predefined value

scope?: ProviderScope;

Scope used by the injector to build the provider.

resolvers?: IDIResolver[];

A list of resolvers which will be used to resolve missing Symbol/Class when injector invoke a Class. This property allow external DI usage.

[key: string]: any;